Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Criticism is a difficult “suggestion” for anybody to take, but I must say that I took it very well.  Not everybody wants to hear that their piece of work isn’t meeting up to anybody’s standards.  We want it to be perfect the first time around. Unfortunately that can’t really happen.  So, we rely on our good friends to give us helpful hints to push us in the better creative direction. 
                For me, personally, I recognized a lot of my own mistakes. You are your best critic (did not come up with that).  But thankfully my friends pointed out some.  Case in point;
1.       I have many oddly similar ones, even though they aren’t spaced in a normal way.
2.       My proximity and closure drawings were difficult for the team to differentiate between. I’m not sure if this is my amazing skills at messing with one’s mind (not really), or that I had the circles too big and didn’t understand proximity very well.
3.       On the category of proximity, all of them were generally the same. Spaced out, yet looking connected in some way like they lined up.
4.       Closure: basically the same as my proximity. They were randomly placed and not very noticeable if they were in fact closure or had strong characteristics of another.
5.       My continuance… I hate to pick on, it being my favorite characteristic out of the others, but I have to.  They’re all the same wavyish shape, trying to trick the eye to follow the pattern instead of grouping or distancing anything. I should fix up my style.
6.       Last but not least, similarity. It is in my opinion relatively simple, if you group the dots by size each time like I did. I didn’t think to group them any other way. If I placed them differently, wouldn’t it be proximity?  Truth is I’m not too sure yet, I plan on doing some experimenting.
Even though I’m experimenting with a few new dots, my final four that my friends picked are staying. I’ve grown attached to them. All that’s left is to refine their edges and mount them and make them pretty!

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