Wednesday, September 29, 2010


GRRRRrrrrrr! :D

i debated for a while over what I wanted to do for the uncomfortable video. I didn't know whether or not staring into the camera was uncomfortable enough or not, but after a couple days of me not thinking of anything, I decided to go ahead with it.

To add the effect to this video, i put on the creepiest makeup and hair that i could think of on the spot. I didn't want it to be too planned out seeing how I'm supposed to be a crazed loon. The make-up is black and green tones, with dark eyeliner dripping down. The crazed hair added with the intensity and dirtiness of putting in hairspray made the effect. That and me licking my lips...weird.

But, I have to admit... Even though I have total stage freight and HATE being on camera, this project was fun. I do worry though if this video is almost too freaky and weird in places that it takes over the awkwardness, but the weirdness brings back how uncomfortable it can make you feel.

You might not see me the same way again lol!

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